(See the full publication list here)

I have two new papers to appear:

Connectivity Editing for Quad-Dominant Meshes, Chi-Han Peng and Peter Wonka, Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2013

Paper (author's version) / Additional materials / Video (YouTube)

We propose a connectivity editing framework for quad-dominant meshes. In our framework the user can edit the mesh connectivity to control the location, type, and number of irregular vertices (with more or less than four neighbors) and irregular faces (non-quads). We provide a theoretical analysis of the problem, discuss what edits are possible and impossible, and describe how to implement an editing framework that realizes all possible editing operations. In the results we show example edits and illustrate advantages and disadvantages of different strategies for quad-dominant mesh design.

Exploring Quadrangulations, Chi-Han Peng, Michael Barton, Caigui Jiang, and Peter Wonka, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), conditionally accepted with minor revisions.

We present a framework for exploring topologically unique quadrangulations of an input shape. First, the input shape is segmented into surface patches. Second, different topologies can be enumerated and explored for each patch. This is realized by an efficient subdivision-based quadrangulation algorithm that can exhaustively enumerate all mesh topologies within a patch. To help users navigate in the potentially huge collection of variations, we propose tools to preview and arrange the results. Furthermore, the requirement that all patches need to be jointly quadrangulatable is formulated as a linear integer program. Finally, we show applications to shape space exploration, remeshing, and design to underline the importance of topology exploration.